'I'm going to sue you': Male Karen claims he slipped in the store the night before, story doesn't add up, he vows to sue anyway

Some people just want to make a scene. There might be zero evidence or justification for their actions. There might not even be a plan to pursue things further down the road. Clearly, however, that didn't matter to this male Karen, also known as Kevin on the Internet. Kevin claimed that he slipped and fell on the wet floor the night before and brought it to the attention of the Redditor, who was working during that time.  Although the Redditor did admit that they had just mopped the floors that night and forgot to put up "wet floor" signs, Kevin's story increasingly made less and less sense as he made his case to OP's manager and supervisor. In fact, when the manager finally got on the phone to make a formal complaint on Kevin's behalf, Kevin refused to give his contact information. If that's not a sign that all of this was fabricated or at least blown out of proportion, I don't know what is. Keep scrolling below for the full account. For more, check out these top Karen stories!