'My roommate is holding our wifi hostage': Woman demands roommate return wifi after feud

This is real pettiness. After a "big fight," these two roommates have stepped into new territory. U/uku_lady asked for legal advice for an interesting modern-day situation that there doesn't seem to be much precedence for. As she wrote, she lives with a man and his kid, who take up two rooms of the house. She lives in the other room, but since her roommate has more space, he pays a bit more in rent. That seems fair enough, but clearly the roommate doesn't feel that way. After the two got into a fight (the OP doesn't give a reason why…hmm…) the roommate took away the OP's wifi by changing the password on her. While it might seem like a petty and meaningless thing to do, it's actually petty and effective at ruining the OP's day. She can't use her laptop or watch TV, and shares that she's draining her data usage with no answer to the problem in sight. While it doesn't seem like there's any legal recourse for her, at least the commenters gave her som good advice about what to do: she needs to move out ASAP. Next, these random street artists couldn't resist vandalizing things, just a little tiny bit.