23 Memes: Fluffiest Feisty Felines in the Form of Human Funnies

It feels like just last week it was new years and we were awaiting 2023 with bated breath. But hey, now it's nearly February, and it just goes to show how much time flies when you're scrolling through animal memes for that delicious dose of dopamine. Any and all cat owners can contest to the fact that these furry felines have multiple personalities, and they either make us go insane or they make us go… insane. With love, of course. They're so adorably hilarious, and we don't mind their incessant meowing at 4 in the morning at all. They're great alarm clocks… you don't need to lift a finger, they're on constant 'snooze'. Sure, sometimes it startles you, but (laughs in tears) it's cute. Not annoying at all. Ahem. On a more serious note, what would we do without them? Now that Valentine's day is coming up, we're reminded how lucky we are to have these special critters in our life. Scroll down for some of the funniest feline memes of the week! They are sure to get your serotonin levels up and going. You are also welcome to check out this adorable doggo, Ollie, who pays a rainy visit to his special ducky friends.