Mr. Big was going to get killed off in 'SATC 3' and now we're so happy it's not happening

For the Sex and the City movie franchise, the third time won't be the charm.  The much talked-about third movie isn't happening, and knowing what we know now, we're happy that it won't. SEE ALSO: Sarah Jessica Parker agrees 'Sex and the City' was 'tone deaf' on diversity John James Preston, forever the Mr. Big of our hearts, would reportedly have been killed off in the third movie.  That explosive piece of SATC information came out on Monday's episode of the Origins podcast hosted by journalist James Andrew Miller. In the episode, which featured interviews with all major cast members (except Kim Cattrall), Miller hinted that he has seen the script for the third movie before dropping the bombshell. Read more...More about Sarah Jessica Parker, Sex And The City, Carrie Bradshaw, Culture, and Celebrities