Job Applicant Undergoes Four Rounds of Interviews and Free Labor Only To Be Rejected

It's time to talk about all the free work people have to complete in order to just be considered for a job. Of course, we understand that assignments are sometimes necessary to see if what a candidate claims they can do can actually be done. But if the assignment is extensive and fully reflective of the workload they might take on for an actual project, pay them for it! If that's not possible, then demand less. All of this should be a two-way street. This Redditor had to undergo four rounds of interviews and then a vague project, only to be rejected and told that they did not meet the expectations of the project. Apparently, they were expecting a full pitch deck with data despite not mentioning any of this information in the prompt. Unless you're hiring for the position of Mind Reader, this process is extremely unfair. Keep scrolling below to see what people had to say in the comments. For more, here's a story about a shady orientation.