Momma Cat Shows Her Kittens That The Family Dog Is Trustworthy (Video)

If you have more than one pet and more than one breed at that, then this one goes out to you. Multi-pet households aren't for everybody because they're not easy to manage. If one has two cats, for example, or two dogs then it's much easier for them to get along. But when there's a dog and a cat in one home, then that's a whole other dynamic. We heard stories about dogs helping cats adapt to their new forever homes. But we've also seen instances where cats and dogs didn't get along with one another resulting in one of the pets being given up for adoption. In order to avoid such traumatic and heartbreaking results of events, it's important to take necessary precautions and dedicate a lot of time to introducing them. But what's important to remember is that it's definitely possible.What beholds is a video of a momma cat introducing her kittens to their doggo uncle, this is just one of the many examples of cats and dogs living under one roof. We hope you enjoy!