Seller Tries to Back Out of Deal After Wasting Guy's Time, Gets Outplayed Hard

When this seller tried to back out of a deal, after making u/SRG4Life's cousin drive an hour to his house, u/SRG4Life came up with a plan to get petty revenge on the seller. He pretended to be an interested buyer, offering the full asking price. This prompted the seller to want to drive to a handoff at a location 2 hours away. A handoff that was never going to happen. After the seller arrived and texted u/SRG4Life, u/SRG4Life blocked the number. The seller was then forced to go back to the cousin who countered with less than he had offered before. This is the kind of thing we love to see when it comes to dealing with scummy time-wasters. This is the only way to deal with them.___For more petty revenge check out this clever college chick who got revenge when she was told not to walk around her dorm without wearing a bra.