Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Takes to Twitter With PSA Regarding the "If You're Cold" Meme

The Oklahoma Department of Wildlife has exploded on Twitter following a response they posted to the "If You're Cold, They're Cold" meme that went viral.As of the writing of this post, the tweet is currently sitting at a whopping 120.6K likes and 20.6K retweets. The meme first emerged on the internet sometime in 2013 according to Know Your Meme's earliest reported images, but it's possible that the phrase may have been being used on the internet even sooner. The phrase was initially posted as a serious PSA reminding people to take their pets inside during the winter months. The text was usually accompanied by images usually something along the line of a household pet covered in snow. Since that time, the phrase has emerged and trended several times. Including in 2015 when farm site Progressive Cattle posted a humorous spin on the meme. These days, all usage of the phrase is satirical of the original usage and features the text accompanied by images of dangerous wild animals that you wouldn't want to take inside. Which has led us to the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife's post today.