'The Good Place' turned into a perfect show to binge

The Office is more popular than ever. Just ask writer/producer Mike Schur, who also appeared on the show numerous times as Dwight Schrute's cousin Mose. "I'm literally getting recognized for playing Mose on The Office more now than I was when I was playing Mose on The Office 15 years ago. It's really wild," Schur said in a 2019 interview looking back over the past decade.  "There's an entirely new generation of people out there who are watching The Office," he continued. "Every 11-year-old kid I know is watching [it], including my own son, who just binged the entire nine seasons. And they don't know that it predates their existence on Earth." Read more...More about The Good Place, Michael Schur, Entertainment, Streaming Services, and Movies Tv Shows